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Frequently Asked Questions


Below are a few of our most fequently asked questions.  If there are questions that you have that are not answered below, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone call, text message or email.  Click here for our contact information.


When do you take the dogs out for bathroom breaks/exercise time?


Dogs are let out in the morning between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. and in the evening between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Your dog will be taken out for an additional bathroom break before bedtime. 


Do you allow my dog to socialize with other dogs?


Yes, socialization is important for dogs. We allow dogs to socialize with other dogs, unless you have indicated that your dog does not socialize well with other dogs on your application. 


What are your hours?

Our hours for drop offs and pick ups during the week (Monday - Friday) are 6 to 7 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m. or by appointment only.  Weekend hours are by appoitment only. 


What should I bring?


You may bring the following:  Enough food for each day plus 1-2 additional feedings, washable bed/blanket/pillow, toys/comfort items, medications, and a leash.  Please be sure that your dog is wearing a collar so we can put him or her on a leash.  If  you are boarding your dog for the first time please be sure that you bring your proof of vaccinations and your application form if you have not provided it prior to arrival.



What vaccinations are required?


Vaccinations for rabies and distemper are mandatory.  Proof of vaccinations is required at the time of drop off or prior to.  Vaccination for kennel cough or bordatella is recommended, but is not required.  A waiver of the bordatella vaccination must be completed if you are choosing not to obtain the vaccination.  Flea and tick prevention is also required.

Do you have a multiple pet discount?


Yes, we do offer a discount for multiple dogs.  Please see our price list for further information.


What happens if my dog gets sick or injured?


First and foremost the safety and well being of your dog is of the highest importance. Insuring that your dog remains safe and well cared for is our first responsibility and as such we take it very seriously. We do our best to have our dog parents screen for pre-existing health conditions but some factors may be beyond our control. In the event that a medical emergency arises while a dog is at our facility or participating in a service that we provide it is imperative that we are immediately able to get them medical treatment at the closest available facility. We will call ahead to the veterinary offices in closest proximity geographically to us to insure they can handle the emergency present. Your dog will be rushed to the closest available facility for treatment and you will be notified. We notify the owner after we have secured a medical treatment center for the animal to avoid delays that may be caused by emotion on the part of the owner. Our goal is to get your pet medical attention as quickly as humanly possible, and any distractions may interfere with that process.


Do I need to make a reservation?

Yes, reservations are required.  Reservations can be made same day, as long as the requirements for boarding have been met.  We do fill up quickly on the weekends, especially during the summer months and around holidays.  We recommend contacting us soon for a reservation to assure a spot.  If the kennel is full when you call to make a reservation please ask to be placed on a waiting list.  We will notify you of any openings.


Can I see photos or take a tour of the facility?


Yes.  We have a photo gallery available on our site.  Alternatively, you can make an appointment to come to the facility for a tour.  It's a great idea for you to see where your dog will be staying.


Do I need to bring food?


If your dog is particularly picky about his/her food you may want to bring your own food.  Otherwise, we do provide dog food at no additional charge.


What is your cancellation policy?

There is no cancellation fee at this time but we request that you provide us with notice of your cancellation as soon as possible to allow for rescheduling.

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